Saturday, August 17, 2013

Bizarre Flavored Snacks

When you go to Japan, you find these junk food with bizarre flavors (e.g. Pepsi-flavored cheetos, octopus icecream, crunchy dried crabs, and many many more) all over the place. In my country, I haven't seen a lot weird flavored snacks around our grocery stores until recently.

Today, I went to the dry market with my mom and found two uncommon flavored snacks placed on the shelf!

The green one is from Jack and Jill; a sake sushi (or salmon sushi) flavored pack of potato chips with a small pack of wasabi powder you can sprinkle on the chips for that spicy flavaaaaah. The smaller one is from Oishi; it's Kimchi flavored potato chips!

Kimchi and sushi are two of my favorite Asian food to munch on and  it's a given that I'll definitely try these out haha!

Product of the Philippines

The phrases "Cooked in Sun Flower Oil" and "No added MSG" won't fool me. Junk food is junk food no matter how you put it. :p


I dunno. It tastes like Kimchi for one second, then it doesn't the next second. Seriously weird. It's spicy tho but the sourness is kind of like that of vinegar instead of kimchi-sourness...? I don't know, it tastes weird. It doesn't smell like Kimchi too.

Instructions on before eating! Open, sprinkle, shake, eat!

Product of Guangzhou, China

So it has two separate packets inside the ziplock bag: 1 big plastic bag for the chips and 1 tiny one for the wasabi powder. All you do is transfer the chips in the zip lock bag, sprinkle with the wasabi powder, close the zip lock, shake shake shake,  and EAT!


asldkjfljaflfkj it tastes like SAKE SUSHI. I'm eating Salmon. :)) IT TASTES LIKE SALMON. HAHAHA But the wasabi doesn't taste like wasabi. It just smells like it but it's as if I never sprinkled any. Too bad. This one is certainly weird because it tastes like SUSHI!! :D

Okay, I'm done with this nonsensical post. 

By the way, I haven't reviewed Tokyo Love Soap yet but I will soon-ish. Stay tuned!


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