Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Defrizzing and Detangling a Wig


It took me 3 days to get the wig to its condition now (which is 75% back to perfect condition).

Look at that tangle monster ;A;
I actually got the wig from a trade and boy, was I in for a big surprise! I didn't have extra cha-ching to spend on hiring someone to fix the wig for me since it's summer and all, so I decided I'd try to fix it by myself and prayed to all the Gods I could call out to that I don't ruin it even more!

What I used:
  • Bowl/Bucket
  • Water
  • Fabric Conditioner
  • Hairclips
  • Lotion
  • Spray bottle
  • metal toothed comb
  • wig brush
  • hair iron
What I did:
  1. I flipped the wig, lace cap seen outside, and dipped the wig in a big bowl (i have no extra buckets, i used a big fish bowl XD)  filled with at least 500-600mL water mixed with 1 cup fabric conditioner
  2. Let it stay for 3-5 days (people recommend 5 days; I let mine sit in the bowl for 3 days only since I was getting grumpy haha)
  3. Take it out, hang the wig and leave it to air-dry for the next 12 hours or so
  4. Make your homemade wig conditioner! It can either be the 1/6 lotion (any kind) + 5/6 water or you can just use what's left over of the water+fabric conditioner concoction you used to dip the wig in
  5. Get your hair straightener, turn it on and set it to the lowest possible temperature, leave it for a few minutes to heat up (but keep an eye on it PLEASE)
  6. Start spritzing the wig with your wig conditioner and slowly finger comb it from the bottom going up to the crown of the wig
  7. Spritz with wig conditioner again and slowly and gently comb it with the metal toothed comb (or any large-toothed comb you have) from the bottom going up. Once you're done detangling, you can start defrizzing the frizzed up parts
  8. Time to section the wig! Separate the wig fibers into 3 major parts using the hair clips: BOTTOM, MIDDLE, TOP; start with the bottom and start doing little sections
  9. Spritz the wig with wig conditoner and with a quick and light movement, slide the hair iron starting from the part you spritzed with conditioner down to the tip. Make sure to do this with the frizzy parts! You'll know if you're doing it right when you hear the hair iron hiss when it touches the wig fibers and the frizzy fibers straighten
  10. Do this until you reach the top part and leave the wig to dry
  11. Use the wig brush and slowly brush the wig from bottom to top
  12. You're done!
I was only focusing on the frizzy parts, so the wig not being straight-straight-straight wasn't much of an issue. The wig was supposed to be curly/wavy in the first place.

It's still mediocre but at least the wig's back in good condition! XD


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