Thursday, September 26, 2013

Double Review: Tokyo Love Soap Premium and Original

It took me a while to write this review haha! I've been too busy with school and work that I haven't been able to just sit down and think about what to write.


I used up the Premium version of TLS for a month or so; once in the morning and once at night. I cut the soap in half so I could use one half on my face and the other half for my body. Here's what I think:


  • Subtle rose-y scent
  • Minimizes pores on my face
  • Makes my skin smooth (both face and body) and feel moisturized
  • clears away blackheads (temporarily? since I get blackheads again the next day)
  • lathers nicely
  • doesn't melt easily (is melt even the right term? hahaha) so it lasts a long time


  • VERY expensive
  • after a month of using, it didn't make me a shade (or even half a shade) lighter as promised
  • it gave me a little breakout in the first few days of using it

OVERALL: I like the Premium version of the soap. Though it did not make my skin lighter and it gave me a bit of a breakout in the beginning, I am still willing to use it (if I have money for it haha) because it really does stick to its other promises.


After I had used up the Premium, I immediately started using the Original version of TLS. I did the same thing; cut the soap in half, 1/2 for my face and the other half for my body.


  • Subtle generic soap scent (not the floral kind of scent. just that...soap kind of scent)
  • clears away blackheads (temporarily? since I get blackheads again the next day)
  • lathers nicely
  • doesn't melt easily (is melt even the right term? hahaha) so it lasts a long time
  • made my skin feel kind of supple like a baby's? (but that's just it. supple; not moisturized)


  • After using it for only TWO days, it gave me a really really really major breakout! Like, 2-3 big zits on my cheek and another 2-3 big zits on my forehead so I had to stop using it on my face
  • VERY expensive
  • after a month of using, it didn't make me a shade (or even half a shade) lighter as promised
  • it made my skin dry and patchy. I was hoping it'd make me a shade lighter since I'm shedding but nope, no lightening here

OVERALL: I would not want to purchase or use the Original version ever again. But remember, this is just my personal experience, you might want to try it yourself.

For more info on prices and other details, check out Tokyo Love Shop by clicking HERE!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

REVIEW: Etude House Precious Mineral BB Compact Bright Fit VS Dream On Pact Slim and Cover

Etude House vs Etude House!

Okay, you may be wondering why I'm mostly reviewing Etude House products... the main reason is because Etude House is a budget brand and I'm a budget barbie hahaha! To be honest, this brand doesn't give high end results (go figure, it's a budget brand so you get budget results as well) but you could say it does the job.

Moving on, I'll be reviewing two different compact powders from EH, the old Dream On Pact Slim and Cover and the recently released Precious Mineral BB Compact Bright Fit. I don't really have fair skin so I opted for the 3rd color swatches (Precious Mineral BB Compact Bright Fit W13 Natural Beige and Dream On Pact Slim and Cover No. 03 True Beige).

Princess-y packaging

Etude House stays true to its princess-y promises with its packaging. Both pacts look very cute but Dream On Pact looks more princess-y for me (not that I'm the princess type; I'm pretty boyish). 

I think the Precious Mineral BB Compact swatch I bought is one shade (or just half a shade?) lighter than my Dream On Pact even though I carefully picked out the third color swatch/shade to make sure they're the same shade.

Okay so both are a tad too light on my hand (I dunno, I guess my hand is more exposed to the sun than my face) since both do offer "non-darkening" err whatever that means. You know how we Asians go gaga over porcelain skin so I guess that's what "non-darkening" is for. Anyway, I like the Precious Mineral BB Compact more because it gives a more silky touch after application while the Dream On Pact leaves me feeling cake-y and I can actually see that there's powder over my face (like, powder particles are sticking out of my pores hahaha). With the Precious Mineral BB Compact, my face looks more natural after application. 

note: GREEN means pros and RED means cons

Precious Mineral BB Compact Bright Fit:

  • has SPF 30
  • simple yet cute packaging
  • silky finish
  • lasts for up to 6-8 hours in my experience with little sebum appearing on my T-zone
  • only light coverage
  • too light on my light tan skin
  • a little expensive..(?) for a budget brand [retails at 848php or 19 USD)

Dream On Pact Slim and Cover:

  • has SPF 25
  • princess-y gwiyomi (lol) packaging
  • VERY matte finish (makes me look cake-y)
  • lasts up to 4-6 hours in my experience and makes my T-zone very very oily
  • only light coverage
  • closer to my skin shade
  • still a little expensive but I'm okay with the price (I guess lol) [retails at 648php or 14.52 USD]

Overall, I like the Precious Mineral BB Compact Bright Fit more. This review is based on MY experience with both compacts, so, the results using both on your skin may not be the same as mine. You may like the Dream On Pact better than the Precious Mineral BB Compact.

I'll try to post a photo of me using both pacts on my face, instead of my hand (haha), next time! ^__^b